What is Web Browser?
The web browser is an application software to explore www (World Wide Web).
It provides an interface between the server and the client and requests to the
server for web documents and services. It works as a compiler to render HTML
which is used to design a webpage. Whenever we search anything on the
internet, the browser loads a web page written in HTML, including text, links,
images, and other items such as style sheets and JavaScript functions. Google
Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Safari are examples of web browsers.
History of the web browser
The first web browser WorldWideWeb was invented in the year of 1990 by Tim
Berners-Lee. Later, it becomes Nexus. In the year of 1993, a new browser Mosaic
was invented by Mark Andressen and their team. It was the first browser to
display text and images at a time on the device screen. He also invents another
browser Netscape in 1994. Next year Microsoft launched a web browser Internet
Explorer which was already installed in Windows operating system. After this
many browsers were invented with various features like Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.
How does a web browser work?
A web browser helps us find information anywhere on the internet. It is installed
on the client computer and requests information from the webserver such a type
of working model is called a client-server model.
The browser receives information through HTTP protocol. In which transmission
of data is defined. When the browser received data from the server, it is rendered
by HTML to user-readable form and, information displayed on the device screen.
Website Cookies
When we visited any website over the internet our web browser stores
information about us in small files called cookies. Cookies are designed to
remember stateful information about our browsing history. Some more cookies
are used to remember about us like our interests, our browsing patterns, etc.
Websites show us ads based on our interests' using cookies.
Some popular Web Browsers
There are some popular and most used web browsers like Google Chrome,
Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari, etc.
Google Chrome
Google Chrome is the world’s most used web browser. In 77% of devices, Google
Chrome is used. This browser developed by Google in 2008 for Microsoft
Windows. Later it used in macOS, Linux, Android, iOS operating systems. It is a
very reliable browser and available in 47 languages. The installation process of
Google Chrome is very easy and free for everyone.
Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox also knows as the Firefox browser developed by the Mozilla
Foundation and the Mozilla Corporation in 2002. It is available on Linux,
Microsoft Windows, Android, and iOS operating systems. In the Linux system, the
Mozilla Firefox is the default installed browser.
Web Page
web page is a document available on world wide web. Web Pages are stored on
web server and can be viewed using a web browser.
A web page can contain huge information including text, graphics, audio, video and hyperlinks. These hyperlinks are the link to other web pages.
Collection of linked web pages on a web server is known as website. There is
unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is associated with each web page.
Static Web pages
Static Web pages are very simple. It is written in languages such as HTML,
JavaScript, CSS, etc. For static web pages when a server receives a request
for a web page, then the server sends the response to the client without
doing any additional process. And these web pages are seen through a web
browser. In static web pages, Pages will remain the same until someone
changes it manually.
Dynamic Web Pages
Dynamic Web Pages are written in languages such as CGI, AJAX, ASP,
ASP.NET, etc. In dynamic web pages, the Content of pages is different for
different visitors. It takes more time to load than the static web page.
Dynamic web pages are used where the information is changed frequently,
for example, stock prices, weather information, etc.
Difference between Static and Dynamic Web Pages
Static Web Page
- In static web pages, Pages
will remain same until
someone changes it
- Static Web Pages are
simple in terms of
- In static web pages,
Information are change
- Static Web Page takes less
time for loading than
dynamic web page.
- In Static Web Pages,
database is not used.
- Static web pages are
written in languages such
as: HTML, JavaScript, CSS,
- Static web pages does not
contain any application
program .
- Static web pages require
less work and cost in
designing them.
Dynamic Web Page
- In dynamic web pages, Content
of pages are different for
different visitors.
- Dynamic web pages are
- In dynamic web page,
Information are change
- Dynamic web page takes more
time for loading.
- In dynamic web pages,
database is used.
- Dynamic web pages are written
in languages such as: CGI,
- Dynamic web pages contains
application program for different
- Dynamic web pages require
comparatively more work and
cost in designing them.
What is Website?
Website is a collection of related web pages that may contain text, images, audio and
video. The first page of a website is called home page. Each website has specific
internet address (URL) that you need to enter in your browser to access a website.
Website is hosted on one or more servers and can be accessed by visiting its
homepage using a computer network. A website is managed by its owner that can be
an individual, company or an organization.
A website can be of two types:
- Static Website
- Dynamic Website
Static website
Static website is the basic type of website that is easy to create. You don't need the
knowledge of web programming and database design to create a static website. Its
web pages are coded in HTML.
The codes are fixed for each page so the information contained in the page does not
change and it looks like a printed page.
Dynamic website is a collection of dynamic web pages whose content changes
dynamically. It accesses content from a database or Content Management System
(CMS). Therefore, when you alter or update the content of the database, the content
of the website is also altered or updated.
Dynamic website uses client-side scripting or server-side scripting, or both to generate
dynamic content.
Client-side scripting generates content at the client computer on the basis of user
input. The web browser downloads the web page from the server and processes the
code within the page to render information to the user.
In server-side scripting, the software runs on the server and processing is completed
in the server then plain pages are sent to the user.
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