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What is Cyber Security

About Cyber Security  Cyber security has become an increasingly important topic in recent years, as the world becomes more reliant on technology and digital communication. From personal devices to corporate networks, the need to protect against cyber threats has never been greater. Cyber threats can come in many forms, such as viruses, malware, phishing scams, and data breaches. These threats can cause serious damage, including financial loss, identity theft, and even national security breaches. To protect against cyber threats, there are a few key strategies that individuals and organizations can use. One of the most important is to keep all software and security systems up to date. Cyber criminals are always looking for vulnerabilities in software, and companies regularly release updates to fix these vulnerabilities. By keeping software up to date, individuals and organizations can reduce their risk of being hacked. Another important strategy is to use strong passwords and two-fa...

NPTEL Training and Development Week:2 Assignment:2 Answers 2023


NPTEL Training and Development Week:1 Assignment:1 Answers 2023

Q.1.Which is defined as attempt to optimize the matching between organization’s mission, what is occurring or is projected to occur in the external environment and the organization’s internal operations?
1 point
Q.2.The success of a competitive strategy is contingent on the demands of the ---------------- ------------- and factors internal to the organization?
1 point
Q.3.Which of the following is not included with the analysis to align training with business strategy?
1 point
Q.4.Metrics that show value of training involves --------------, performance improvement, reduced customer complaints, reduced turnover and greater employee satisfaction. Fill up the blank with suitable one of the following.
1 point
Q.5.How many top models organizing the strategic training have you learnt from the lecture session?
1 point
Q.6.This model involves having a training function for each division of function of the organization. What does ‘this model’ mean?
1 point
Q.7.How many conditions are necessary for change to occur?
1 point
Q.8.There are seven major steps of change process that training professional can take into consideration. Which one is the middle step?
1 point
Q.9.Which is a contemporary, umbrella term used to describe the management and development of employees in an organization?
1 point
Q.10.There are four business strategies and which of the following is NOT one of them?
